Mumkin - Women Empowerment

At Charter for Compassion Pakistan we hold the concept of female empowerment very close to our hearts. We have program such as “Mumkin - Women Empowerment” which are committed to catering to the educational and professional needs of disadvantaged females through training and mentoring. Our focus lies on raising awareness and reducing the limitations and societal pressures faced by our female clients. We are not only an organization of empowered females and gender conscious males ourselves, we also completely acknowledge the marginalization that women in our society have to deal with and we want to change that.

We not only want to see women from less privileged backgrounds more present in our society, we also want to defy traditional gender roles. It is a tragedy when we come across capable females who are confined to their homes and do not have the same opportunities to be able to succeed as their privileged and/or male counterparts. Initiatives like Mumkin are Charter for Compassion Pakistan’s answer to the marginalization of disadvantaged females in our society.

We are fully aware that women differ to men and being a women in our society comes with certain expectations which can hinder the independence and social mobility of our clients. We hold the belief that if you can do the job just as well or even better than your male counterpart, you should not be discriminated against or brushed aside. CfC Pakistan has created inclusive, female-friendly spaces like the one at the Mumkin Centres to make sure that the talents of disadvantaged females do not go to waste.

We pride ourselves on being grounded and realistic but actually our work is pioneering in the sense that we are reaching out to neglected women in deprived areas of Sindh who would otherwise get left behind without us. Mumkin itself means ‘possible’ and so the whole project runs on the notion that anything can be achieved regardless of one’s gender. It is imperative that our female clients feel the same sense of purpose throughout their time with us.

Women in our society are also more susceptible to control and harassment than men. Therefore we don’t want to see women from disadvantaged backgrounds stranded without anyone to turn to. Mumkin’s beautician, dressmaking and computer training courses seek to break the shackles and provide women with training and career opportunities so that they feel emancipated and empowered. As a rule, we feel that it is vital for female voices to be heard, respected and taken seriously. Charter for Compassion Pakistan believes that a society, rife with sexism, is one that is also ethically defunct.

Therefore we would love to see others take a leaf out of our book and apply our core values to their own projects and personal lives. Compassion and empathy tend to never goes amiss but we find that approaching women with both of those principles in mind can make a huge difference, as empowering women can go a very long way. As the saying goes, if you empower a woman, you empower an entire nation. Our thinking is no different.